Thursday 7 March 2013

Visiting Italy, Venice twice

I had the great opportunity to visit Venice, Italy twice. Once in 2008 and again in 2010. So let me first reflect on my first trip to Venice in 2008.

Doing the Contiki tour in 2008 was great. I got to see many European places in one long trip travelling by bus, accommodation sorted for us and the good areas in each location was recommended to us. So being the tourist that I am, I had to go to the tourist spots like the well-known San Marco Square. This square is in the middle of Venice, surrounded by very expensive shops and guess what is the popular attraction at San Marco Square? The answer to that: feeding all the pigeons who flock to San Marco Square because the people stand there ready with their bread crumbs to feed the pigeons. So my advice would  be to wear some headgear while feeding the pigeons as they came in their masses.

What is a trip to Venice without taking a trip on the Gondola through the canal passages. A pleasant trip to experience how homes are literally on the water's edge and that Venice is sinking at approximately 2cm each year.

Homes on the water's edge in Venice.

A bridge across a water channel.

Now my 2010 trip to Venice. It was an over night trip as I was there to get to the Venice Harbour to board the cruise ship for my Greece travels the  next day. I must say it was nice to be able to have seen and experienced Venice before that as I felt like a complete professional traveller. I could find my way around Venice very easily. The second time around in Venice I could really take in the ambiance of the bridges that you can cross over the canals.

Exploring more of Venice.

I could also relax and taste the Italian cuisine like their pizza! I must say, I much rather preferred the pizza from my local pizza establishment, but oh well, I still devoured the mozarella pizza, while sitting at a quaint restaurant with a slight drizzle to welcome me again to Venice.

So how did my two trips to Venice change me? I realised that life is so simplistic, calm and relaxed there. Social media is present, but it is not a necessity for all. People can walk through the alleys and get to the other side of Venice with ease. Transport is a breeze and social tools such as cellphones are so affordable to purchase there. The locals take in every moment  and thoroughly believe in having a glass of wine each day.

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