Tuesday 19 March 2013

My trip to Amsterdam

Good start to my European tour was visiting Amsterdam. Entering the Central Station - the focal point of the city, made it impossible for anyone to get lost.

Yes, a walk through the Red Light District was done. But they have very strict rules in Amsterdam about photographs being taken in the District. So no photo image here.

However, the night life was experienced. A ferry ride on the river near to the Central Station gave you insight into the beauty of Amsterdam.

During the night, walking and experiencing the city life,  I heard a group of  young ladies talking. I turned around and immediately could hear by their accents that they were from Cape Town- my home town. A quick introduction and conversation confirmed that they were from Cape Town and actually resided in the same suburb as I.

During the day, you could walk through the streets of Amsterdam and absorb its architecture, narrow streets and hundreds of bicycles parked along the roadside. The bicycles were safe and there was a low probability of it being stolen.

Amsterdam- these bicycles are safe.

Along the rivers that intertwined between the tall, narrow apartments, were the cosy houseboats.

The rivers and cute boat houses in the background.

One could visit the amazing home of Anne Frank, the Jewish girl who had to go into hiding during the Second World War to escape the Nazis. A beautiful museum, but I did not get a chance to go into it as the  line to get in was too long and my time there was too short.

Anne Frank's House
Now I will have to use the cliche and another reminder that : "This world is way too small !"  Lesson confirmed !

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