Wednesday 27 March 2013

Interview with Actor, Presenter and Choreographer, Lucian Albertyn

What a pleasure it was to interview actor, presenter, choreographer and producer, Lucian Albertyn. Let us read about how his travel experience changed him.

Who is Lucian Albertyn?

"I work in the Media and Entertainment Industry. I’ve been acting since the age of 2 years old and I always knew that I wanted to be an actor, always. I studied Drama (Acting for Camera) at City Varsity and it was there where everything started to fall into place for me. With acting, I became a well rounded dancer as well, and started dancing for the Dance Company called “Darkroom Contemporary”. 

Currently ,now I work for 4 National Television Shows:  Expresso, Dr Mol Show on SABC 3, as Floor Manager and Assistant Director, Hectic Nine9  on SABC 2, as Floor Manager and JOU SHOW met Emo en Wicus on Kyknet, as Floor Manager and MC. I work in front and behind the camera and it’s my ultimate passion. And with that, I have to have two different looks.

I’ve worked in TV shows like, MNET’s “League of Glory”  “Rhythm City” and a movie called "The Journey and some tv adverts of course. I’ve done over 20 theatre shows (acting and dancing), since Varsity. From the Baxter Theatre to Arts Cape. And some smaller local Theatres, like Intimate and Little Theatre at UCT Hiddingh Campus. I’ve had the privilege to perform at some amazing Art Festivals. My favourite is 'The National Grahamstown Arts Festival' , 'The Cedarberg Arts Festival' and 'KKNK' .     
My future goals are to have my own Artist Agency and Production Company very soon. I’m busy with it step by step, like in this very moment."

What was your one favourite place either locally (in South Africa) or abroad to visit?
"My favourite place locally to visit locally is Gold Reef City, (theme park), Johannesburg! "

The Gold Reef City Theme Park.

What about the place did you enjoy?

"What don’t I enjoy! Gold Reef City makes me feel like I can let loose and just have fun. It makes me feel like a kid with my friends and I always enjoy going there to let my spirit feel free and scream for all the good reasons.  Even though I’ve been to other Theme Parks. I just believe that Gold Reef City is the ultimate one for me, with the  quote “Feed your kids to the, Anaconda”! That alone is scary, but going on it is just another story. It's a thrill of a lifetime. So I just Love it! "  

Lucian at the Anaconda

Any interesting fact(s) that you learned about the place while you were there?

"I’ve learned that Gold Reef City  is located on an old gold mine, and that the park is themed around the gold mines. On the grounds there is a museum situated where you can see real physical raw gold veins in the mines. Absolutely amazing!"

Any recommendations that you would give to others when visiting the place?

"I would recommend that all the rides you see at Gold Reef City is made to be used. So, if you do go, start off with the Anaconda to get over the fear of theme rides, because I think most people fear the Anaconda most. Start there and everything will be OK to follow, except the Tower of Terror. Try that last. When you done the rides, get to learn the background of the place.  Its fascinating, really."

Option of rides at Gold Reef City.

How did visiting the place allow you to change in any aspect of your life, whether personally or professionally?

"For me personally, it changed me in a way that I know how to have fun and let loose on a fun day out. Because you can’t always have fun when you out and about. Professionally, you represent companies, brands etc. People always make a fuss about someone that is in the Media world letting loose or having a little too much fun at any public place, but when you at places like Gold Reef City, all that disappears. It’s a place to have fun."

Lucian with Leigh-Anne Williams at a social event.
Lucian at a media event.

Lucian in work mode.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Trip to Zimbabwe, Victoria Falls

Zimbabwe welcomes me.

The impoverished African country was visited. Travelling there with your South African Rand made you feel like a millionaire, five times over, but the locals of Zimbabwe are like one in a million- friendly, helpful and very humble.
Victoria Falls Airport in Zimbabwe.

My choice of residence for the weekend away to Zimbabwe was a quaint Bed and Breakfast on the Zambezi Gorge.

The Bed and Breakfast I stayed at on the edge of  the Zambezi Gorge.

Despite the bumpy ride to the place of leisure, on an untarred road, it was no surprise to see donkeys pulling a cart along the roadside or tiny villages of locals.

Donkeys pulling a cart. Back to the root of transportation.

The nightlife was an experience of note. Try out the Boma- it is Zimbabwe's restaurant with a difference. Upon arrival at the Boma, you get dressed in their local garments.
Me, dressed in the traditional garment at the Boma.

From Crocodile to Wild Hog. To the normal food most of us are accustomed to.That is on offer at the Boma. Needless to say, I could not get myself to be that adventurous to devour the carnivorous delicacies. But I sampled the rest of the buffet available very easily including the meat that I am familiar with..
The customary washing of your hands before eating had to be done.
Washing my hands before my meal at the Boma.

A day trip had to be done to Victoria Falls to admire one of the seven wonders of the World in all its glory. Rain jackets must be worn because the closer to the Victoria Falls you get, the more water you are exposed to. So it is a protective measure for you. But it is majestic.

Wearing the much needed rain jacket with the Victoria Falls in the background.
The majestic Victoria Falls in the background.
An arranged travel couch took me to the heart of Zimbabwe and I had the opportunity to visit  The Livingstone Museum- which holds an archive dedicated to the rich history of Zimbabwe.

The Livingstone Museum.

Driving through the town of Zimbabwe made you realise just how poverty stricken the town is. Slightly over the border and I was on the Zambian side of the African country.
The Zambian side of  the Zambezi River.

To end it all off, a ferry trip on the Zambezi River needs to be done. Fortunately for me, I explored Zambia more in depth in a visit to the country a second time, but that adventure I will elaborate on, in another blog.
Cruise on a ferry on the Zambezi River.
Lesson learned in Zimbabwe: Do not take life for granted!

Tuesday 19 March 2013

My trip to Amsterdam

Good start to my European tour was visiting Amsterdam. Entering the Central Station - the focal point of the city, made it impossible for anyone to get lost.

Yes, a walk through the Red Light District was done. But they have very strict rules in Amsterdam about photographs being taken in the District. So no photo image here.

However, the night life was experienced. A ferry ride on the river near to the Central Station gave you insight into the beauty of Amsterdam.

During the night, walking and experiencing the city life,  I heard a group of  young ladies talking. I turned around and immediately could hear by their accents that they were from Cape Town- my home town. A quick introduction and conversation confirmed that they were from Cape Town and actually resided in the same suburb as I.

During the day, you could walk through the streets of Amsterdam and absorb its architecture, narrow streets and hundreds of bicycles parked along the roadside. The bicycles were safe and there was a low probability of it being stolen.

Amsterdam- these bicycles are safe.

Along the rivers that intertwined between the tall, narrow apartments, were the cosy houseboats.

The rivers and cute boat houses in the background.

One could visit the amazing home of Anne Frank, the Jewish girl who had to go into hiding during the Second World War to escape the Nazis. A beautiful museum, but I did not get a chance to go into it as the  line to get in was too long and my time there was too short.

Anne Frank's House
Now I will have to use the cliche and another reminder that : "This world is way too small !"  Lesson confirmed !

Friday 15 March 2013

Interview with Gershawn Coetzee, Sports Anchor at ETV.

My next personality that I have interviewed is Sports Anchor for 
E.TV News Channel,  Gershawn Coetzee.

Who is Gershawn Coetzee?

"I am a Sports Anchor on E.TV,  UEFA Champions League presenter and Sports Anchor on Enews channel 403 DSTV. I was a former radio presenter on P4 radio 104.9 (now Heart fm).
I also worked at Kfm 94.5 as radio presenter. I am a father, husband, sport and fitness enthusiast. Grew up in Mitchell's Plain and believe in being successful. My motto is 'Life is too short to accept failure without having another go.'  I am a stern believer in giving others the opportunity to succeed. Where I come from or struggles endured, will not curb me of being successful and to inspire."

What was your one favourite place either locally (in South Africa) or abroad to visit?
"Without a doubt Thailand, second Spain."

What about the place did you enjoy?
"The food, culture, people, atmosphere. There is just something about an island holiday that is untamed and beautiful. Walks on the beach, sipping cocktails with your spouse. Dinner on the beach, music in the background. Snorkeling in crystal, clear tropical waters."

Gershawn and his wife snorkeling.

Any interesting fact(s) that you learned about the place while you were there?

"Learn to bargain fast, or you'll spend a lot more than you initially bargained for. People in Thailand grow up being very good salesman/women. But they can party hard too."

Any recommendations that you would give to others when visiting the place?

"You will need to enter Thailand via Singapore, which in itself has the largest harbour in the world and a great place. From their go to Cheng Mai, Bangkok (fast paced), but the ultimate is Koh Samui. This is a must!  Crystal clear water, tropical fish, tons of parties, nightlife, markets, cultural tours. The island transforms into a BIG party at night, into the way early hours. Stay away from drugs in sentences."

Koh Samui Mountain view.

Gershawn and his wife in Koh Samui.

How did visiting the place allow you to change in any aspect of your life, whether personally or professionally?

"To walk on the beach front and visit the islands, where many tragically lost their lives during the Boxing Day Tsunami, was a real eye-opener. One cannot imagine the heartache that so many families endured. But to see how locals have started to rebuild their lives was also a humbling experience."

In memory of the people who lost their lives in the Tsunami.

What would you do to let the place receive more exposure on what it has to offer?

" Word of mouth. Most don't realise that there are such beautiful places out there. Koh Samui is a must! "

Wednesday 13 March 2013

My trip to Paris in France

The Eiffel Tower glowing.

Paris, the City of  Love, they say. Well, they who say that are all correct. Truly a magical place. Spending two days there, I managed to walk the streets of Paris, have the option to taste their freshly baked baguettes and see all the places that tourists, like myself, would want to see.

You cannot talk about Paris and not mention the Eiffel Tower. Having been constructed on the 28th January 1887 and at a height of 324 metres, one could call it a marvel of a feat in that day and age. You think that the Eiffel Tower looks beautiful during the day?
The Eiffel Tower during the day.

You must see it at night. Every evening at around 9pm, the lights of the Eiffel Tower are switched on and display the significant tower in all its glory.

The Eiffel tower sparkling in the background at night.

I know that I am referring to all the tourist attractions, but let us be realistic, you too would probably flock to the next place that I am going to mention: The Louvre- one of the world's largest museum and a monument in Paris.

The Louvre Museum

All I wanted to see in the Louvre was the famous Mona Lisa painting. But wow, was that a hunt of note. Up and down staircases, escalators and galleries of spectacular paintings.

The inside of The Louvre Museum

Finally, I see it! The famous Mona Lisa painting. To be honest, I was disappointed because in contrast to all the skyscraper size of paintings, there in the middle of the one floor, surrounded by a red rope and a security guard, stood the famous Leonardo di Vinci painting. But it is a well-known painting, so I had to still see it.

Myself and The Mona Lisa in the background.

A ride around the Arc De Triomphe in the centre of Paris proved to be so much fun. With no direction for traffic, drivers entering the circle around the Arc De Triomphe served for a good laugh in the bus trip at night. We drove around it probably five times and burst out in laughter because of anyone from a cyclist to a cab driver could be found trying to wiggle their way around.

The Arc De Triomphe

What I took away from the experience, besides the sights and the fact that their MacDonalds' sold beer, was that life really does not have to be as complicated as what people make it. The Parisians live a simple life. They enjoy their picnics in the park with surround sound and their early breakfast at a cosy corner cafe. Hustle and bustle does not fit in the equation. Life changing much, I would say.

The view of the Eiffel Tower at sunset.

Monday 11 March 2013

Interview with Capetonian singer: Clint Carelse (Clint C)

So as I promised you, I will be interviewing personalities about their travel experiences and how it changed them as a person. Let me introduce you to the next personality that I have interviewed: Singer Clint Carelse - Clint C

Who is Clint Carelse aka Clint C?

"I started singing 10 years ago, entered various competitions and did free gigs to gain exposure. I then later joined up with some friends and created a group called CQC. I decided that the picture I had in the industry was to be different to my group members and decided I would go solo as Clint C. This is where all my success started. I joined forces with Ernie B St Clair former Popstar group AfroZ member and was later signed to his label, Pipeline Records. I had a stay of 2 years and I have since parted ways to further my solo career. I signed a Record Deal with Groovtec Records, which came to an end recently due to the label not meeting my expectations. My tracks have been playlisted on numerous stations, not only countrywide, but worldwide as well."

What was your one favourite place either locally (in South Africa) or abroad to visit?

"My favourite place visited was Kimberley in South Africa. The experience was mind blowing and life changing."

What about the place did you enjoy?

"I enjoyed the fact that the community is a very close knit one and everybody stands together in everything they do. They are also a really friendly and diverse group of people, who were very appreciative and supportive of my God given talent of song. But the highlight of my trip was experiencing the Big Hole of Kimberley. I was left amazed by the beauty of Gods' work.
Clint at the Big Hole in Kimberley.
Any interesting fact(s) that you learned about the place while you were there?

"The biggest lesson I learned while on my journey was that when it came to my career, I was definitely doing a great job.It also boosted my confidence as a performer. Everything from there on has been positive and also Kimberley has the best crowds and mad love."

Any recommendations that you would give to others when visiting the place?

"My suggestions and recommendations to anybody who visits Kimberley is to definitely experience the Big Hole of Kimberley. It is honestly the most amazing experience. Also the Flamengo Casino and Hotel is an amazing spot so I would recommend that you check that out."

How did visiting the place allow you to change in any aspect of your life, whether personally or professionally?

"The support I received out in Kimberley allowed my performance levels to increase in confidence, energy and also applying the positives into my life instead of focusing on any negative energy. So I think positivity and confidence was my change from my experience."

What would you do to let the place receive more exposure on what it has to offer?

"Always speak good words about my personal experience on my stay and recommend that everybody visits Kimberley at least once in their lives."

Friday 8 March 2013

Interview with fashion designer and stylist: Melissa Pearce: Hear about her favourite place that she has travelled to.

A component of my blog is to interview personalities who will share their travel experiences to their favourite place and how it changed them in any aspect, whether personally, professionally or holistically and looking at the places from a Public Relations perspective as well.

Let me get started:

Who is Melissa Pearce?

"I am Melissa Pearce a 27 year old driven, ambitious individual. I am a Fashion designer, fashion stylist & events co-oridinator. I am passionate about life & what it has to offer. My focus is on fulfilling my God-given purpose with the same enthusiasm and charisma that made me a success in my career in the fashion & entertainment industry."

What was your one favourite place either locally (in South Africa) or abroad to visit?

"I am from the beautiful city called Cape Town. I now reside in Johannesburg. I have had encounters with many beautiful places in both cities alike. However I have found my favorite place to be Moloko Strathavon Spa & hotel to be my sanctuary & place of peace in abundance."

What about the place did you enjoy?

"I have had an unforgettable sensory experience at Moloko Spa. Left feeling  rejuvenated and relaxed . Even in times when my mind was weary. the Moloko Strathavon Hotel's world class spa takes pride in creating a tranquil environment in which to find balance and serenity. That is a fact. "

Any interesting fact(s) that you learned about the place while you were there?

"I've learned that a balanced life is very important. That freeing your mind of stress leads you to open your mind to a more positive and inspiring space."

Melissa in her spa robe.

Any recommendations that you would give to others when visiting the place?

"After treating your body to a little something special, why not treat your taste buds to the awesome restaurant at Moloko."

How did visiting the place allow you to change in any aspect of your life, whether personally, professionally or holistically?

"I live a very hectic and busy lifestyle. Starting with dropping my lil one off at school, then heading to meetings and appointments with clients which can take the whole day then collecting my daughter from school, dinner, bed time then carry on with more work while everyone sleeps. Weekends I may be attending or working at events. Runway shows & the business can actually consume u,its hard to find the time to get away from work. However when I do, Moloko Spa is my first choice. I make my reservation & off I go. Switch off all devices then RELAX!!! Personally, it has given me a chance to show myself some self-appreciation which I think any business woman or mother or hard-working individual needs."

What would you do to let the place receive more exposure on what it has to offer?

"I would definitely take my ladies there. They tell their friends and we can arrange lil ladies spa weekends away. Or as a couple I would recommend the couple bookings to unwind and add some romance to you weekend. Book the nanny to stay in for the weekend and just recoup from life. After all we all do need a break at times."

Thursday 7 March 2013

Visiting Italy, Venice twice

I had the great opportunity to visit Venice, Italy twice. Once in 2008 and again in 2010. So let me first reflect on my first trip to Venice in 2008.

Doing the Contiki tour in 2008 was great. I got to see many European places in one long trip travelling by bus, accommodation sorted for us and the good areas in each location was recommended to us. So being the tourist that I am, I had to go to the tourist spots like the well-known San Marco Square. This square is in the middle of Venice, surrounded by very expensive shops and guess what is the popular attraction at San Marco Square? The answer to that: feeding all the pigeons who flock to San Marco Square because the people stand there ready with their bread crumbs to feed the pigeons. So my advice would  be to wear some headgear while feeding the pigeons as they came in their masses.

What is a trip to Venice without taking a trip on the Gondola through the canal passages. A pleasant trip to experience how homes are literally on the water's edge and that Venice is sinking at approximately 2cm each year.

Homes on the water's edge in Venice.

A bridge across a water channel.

Now my 2010 trip to Venice. It was an over night trip as I was there to get to the Venice Harbour to board the cruise ship for my Greece travels the  next day. I must say it was nice to be able to have seen and experienced Venice before that as I felt like a complete professional traveller. I could find my way around Venice very easily. The second time around in Venice I could really take in the ambiance of the bridges that you can cross over the canals.

Exploring more of Venice.

I could also relax and taste the Italian cuisine like their pizza! I must say, I much rather preferred the pizza from my local pizza establishment, but oh well, I still devoured the mozarella pizza, while sitting at a quaint restaurant with a slight drizzle to welcome me again to Venice.

So how did my two trips to Venice change me? I realised that life is so simplistic, calm and relaxed there. Social media is present, but it is not a necessity for all. People can walk through the alleys and get to the other side of Venice with ease. Transport is a breeze and social tools such as cellphones are so affordable to purchase there. The locals take in every moment  and thoroughly believe in having a glass of wine each day.

Monday 4 March 2013

My Zanzibar experience

The best thing I enjoy about being on an island is the option of hopefully getting a good tan and listening to the sound of the waves crashing to the shore. So I packed my array of comfortable beach wear, loads of sun tan lotion and boarded a One Time Airline flight to Zanzibar. Yes, believe it...One Time Airlines travels to and from Zanzibar on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

The Zanzibar shore

Fortunately everything was pre-arranged, so at the tiny Zanzibar Airport, I was met with a comfortable taxi ready to take me to my accommodation on the South Side of Zanzibar. The ocean was on the doorstep of my luxurious apartment.

Me at my accommodation.

My accommodation.

The front part of my accommodation.

Along the route to the accommodation, many vacant, ruined houses were present. The Muslim culture is a dominant religion in Zanzibar. So many females covered from head to toe were present. 

We were warned of the "Island Boys". These are basically the people who look out for the tourists and will con the tourist with special offers to show you around Zanzibar, take your money and then not arrive for their promised tour.

But there was plenty of rich history in this little Island off Tanzania. Doing a spice tour near the popular area of Stone Town was enlightening. The Zanzibar locals amazed me with how they could transform leaves from a tree into grass sunglasses, bangles and even head wear. Their knowledge of the different spices was phenomenal.

Then there was the tour through Stone Town, that was amassed with sidewalk markets filled with ornate artwork, Muslim cuisine, small curio shops and an old Presidential House.

The walk through the previous prison was daunting and sent thrills through my spine, but it was a must see.
What a change to see so much activity on the semi-tarred streets of Stone Town. 

The locals practiced the Muslim religion and I was in Zanzibar during the time of their Eid celebration when Muslims returned from their pilgrimage. The locals made it a vibrant event with children dressed in the best garments, music playing, tents set up for socialising and eating. There were even lights flashing in true festive spirit.

A chosen Blue Safari was a choice that I do not regret making. We boarded a ship during low tide, visited sand bars where we could snorkel. We then sailed to an island where we could taste the most interesting fruits that one could only find in Zanzibar. A catamaran ride to a quaint alcove off the island was a highlight too.
I Just wish that I had maintained my rule to apply loads of suntan lotion on a regular basis throughout the Safari Blue trip, as clearly the 35 degree and plus temperature took its toll on my skin and I was completely sunburned after that adventure. By the time I arrived at my accommodation, not even the air conditioning on full blast could soothe the pain of the sunburn.

And have you ever heard of a crab surviving by living in a tree for over 10 years? Talk about a creature adapting to its environment. The crab lodged itself into a tree, made it its new abode and never left. The crab is a big tourist attraction on the Safari Blue tour.

I guess as the crab adapted to its environment, so did I adapt to the Zanzibar environment, where poverty is rife, yet the locals are so friendly. An enriching experience from an island that I never thought I would visit.