Thursday 25 April 2013

My second visit to Zambia

In a previous blog, I explored my travel to Zimbabwe with you and touched on the fact that I have had the pleasure to visit Zambia twice. My second trip to Zambia allowed me to enjoy the other side of the Zambezi River.

The accommodation was the Zambezi Sun Hotel, which is on the Eastern Cataract of Victoria Falls. So to view the falls was a few footsteps away.

Victoria Falls from the Zambian side.

The Zambezi Sun Hotel is situated right next to the Royal Livingstone Hotel, which is optimal for any woman who would like to pop in at the neighbouring hotel for a bit of a spa treatment (which I did).

Chilling at the Royal Livingstone after a well deserved pedicure.

The open plan breakfast area of the Zambezi Hotel was quite an experience. With exposed eating areas, it would not be strange to find a monkey watching you from a tree nearby and possibly trying to snatch some of your food. So you had to be on guard for that.

I must say the Zambian experience definitely brought out the daredevil within me. I was provided the opportunity to do a 50 metre free fall over the Batoka Gorge and Zambezi River. So with my feet on the edge of the Gorge, trained personnel, did the countdown and down I swang, screaming my lungs out until my swing had eventually slowed down and I was swinging in mid air above the Gorge. I was lowered down to the ground, where I then had to make the hectic hike back up to the top....Wow!!!
Getting prepared for the 50 metre free fall.

On the edge of the Gorge before the free fall.

Then the zip line across the Gorge was done. Depending on how you wanted to "fly", would determine how the personnel would tie you to the zip line. You could do the Superman fly across, which is not for the faint hearted. I chose the safer "seated" option.

And we have lift off!
And I did the Zip Line...Yeah!!!!

To round off the adrenalin driven weekend in Zambia, I did a canoe expedition on the Zambezi River. Clearly it was a guided expedition.

A visit to Zambia's Boma (traditional eating place) is a must, just like it is in Zimbabwe. A nice way to end off a weekend in a part of Africa, which brought out  the adventurous side of me, that was lying dormant for a while.


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    Government of India has launched electronic travel authorisation or eTA for India which allows citizens of 180 countries to travel to India without requiring a physical stamping on the passport. This new type of authorisation is called an eVisa India (or electronic India Visa). It is this electronic India Visa Online that allows foreign visitors to visit India for five major purposes, tourism / recreation short term courses, business, medical visit or conferences. There are further number of sub-categories under each visa type. All foreign travellers are required to hold an India eVisa (India Visa Online application process) or a regular/paper Visa prior to entry into the country as per Indian Government Immigration Authorities.
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  2. What is electronic Indian Visa (India e-Visa)?
    Government of India has launched electronic travel authorisation or eTA for India which allows citizens of 180 countries to travel to India without requiring a physical stamping on the passport. This new type of authorisation is called an eVisa India (or electronic India Visa). It is this electronic India Visa Online that allows foreign visitors to visit India for five major purposes, tourism / recreation short term courses, business, medical visit or conferences. There are further number of sub-categories under each visa type. All foreign travellers are required to hold an India eVisa (India Visa Online application process) or a regular/paper Visa prior to entry into the country as per Indian Government Immigration Authorities.
    for more info visit: indian visa information
