Monday 29 April 2013

My experience in Namibia

I hopped aboard an Air Namibia flight and off I flew to the desert land call Namibia.

First stop, I drive through the desert land of Swartkopmund, where in the middle of nowhere was a campsite. This was no ordinary campsite. It had luxury tents and was surrounded by a mountain. What made the campsite extra special was the lovely bonfire area to eat supper.

The campsite in the middle of the desert.

Well, that was the beginning of my adventure in the desert. Next day, I awoke and it was a 3 in 1 extreme sport expedition. It started with the sandboarding down the sand dunes in the desert. Needless to say, I first watched everyone else sandboard, then I took the plunge. Who knew that sandboarding could be so scary.

Then onto a quadbike I jumped and imagined that the sand dunes were my race track. I raced through the desert, with my safety headgear properly fitted for extra precaution.

Quadbiking on the sand dunes.

Third of the extreme sport trio was the Extreme 4X4 drive. Another extreme sport that is probably very underestimated, but it does provide a thrill of note.
The 4x4 vehicle.

After the trio of extreme sport, there was the rest of Walvis Bay to explore like the State House and the promenade of the quaint seaside town of Walvis Bay.
The State House in Walvis Bay.

Africa really does bring out the adventurous side of me. Just like Zambia, Namibia reminded me of how much there is to enjoy within my continent of Africa.

Thursday 25 April 2013

My second visit to Zambia

In a previous blog, I explored my travel to Zimbabwe with you and touched on the fact that I have had the pleasure to visit Zambia twice. My second trip to Zambia allowed me to enjoy the other side of the Zambezi River.

The accommodation was the Zambezi Sun Hotel, which is on the Eastern Cataract of Victoria Falls. So to view the falls was a few footsteps away.

Victoria Falls from the Zambian side.

The Zambezi Sun Hotel is situated right next to the Royal Livingstone Hotel, which is optimal for any woman who would like to pop in at the neighbouring hotel for a bit of a spa treatment (which I did).

Chilling at the Royal Livingstone after a well deserved pedicure.

The open plan breakfast area of the Zambezi Hotel was quite an experience. With exposed eating areas, it would not be strange to find a monkey watching you from a tree nearby and possibly trying to snatch some of your food. So you had to be on guard for that.

I must say the Zambian experience definitely brought out the daredevil within me. I was provided the opportunity to do a 50 metre free fall over the Batoka Gorge and Zambezi River. So with my feet on the edge of the Gorge, trained personnel, did the countdown and down I swang, screaming my lungs out until my swing had eventually slowed down and I was swinging in mid air above the Gorge. I was lowered down to the ground, where I then had to make the hectic hike back up to the top....Wow!!!
Getting prepared for the 50 metre free fall.

On the edge of the Gorge before the free fall.

Then the zip line across the Gorge was done. Depending on how you wanted to "fly", would determine how the personnel would tie you to the zip line. You could do the Superman fly across, which is not for the faint hearted. I chose the safer "seated" option.

And we have lift off!
And I did the Zip Line...Yeah!!!!

To round off the adrenalin driven weekend in Zambia, I did a canoe expedition on the Zambezi River. Clearly it was a guided expedition.

A visit to Zambia's Boma (traditional eating place) is a must, just like it is in Zimbabwe. A nice way to end off a weekend in a part of Africa, which brought out  the adventurous side of me, that was lying dormant for a while.

Friday 12 April 2013

My interview with Events Manager and DJ, Lance Theron

Who is Lance Theron?

"I’m Lance Theron, 31 years old from Rondebosch-East in Cape Town, South Africa. My profession is a mix of many things that I consider is ones dream job. At least to me it is. I am the Events Manager of a night club called Kennedys Cocktail Lounge situated in Long Street , as well as a Professional DJ and last, but not least, I opened two small businesses which is in the similar field as the above mentioned .

What was your one favourite place either locally (in South Africa) or abroad to visit?
"Sweden is my place of choice for favourite places I have travelled to. You might be thinking, why would you visit Scandinavia? It’s like the coldest, wettest places in the world. It’s the least travelled by any South African and I wanted to experience the culture, night life and the standard of living."

Lance in Sweden.

What about the place did you enjoy?
"It’s so difficult to narrow down the experiences that i have had /enjoyed during my stay in Sweden. It’s such a huge country, which is a tourist dream. Let’s start off in the city where I stayed in named Gothenburg or as they would say Goteborg. It’s like Cape Town in every way-a fishing city very laid back and it felt like home. I enjoyed the night life because they have a street called the ‘Avenue’ which is like long Street pubs , clubs and restaurants. Everywhere the people are polite and friendly, food  is amazing and the transport structure was a dream . Trams, trains, cabs all run until 4am and its so safe to walk the streets. There’s a smell of kebab in the air, people rushing to get to the bottle store which I might add is open till like midnight and the customer service is top draw . The best of all there’s a Dubliner pub which I visited on regular basis.

NOW WHEN YOU ASK what else is there to do- only one city can stand out and that’s Stockholm- the heart of Sweden. This gem of a city has everything from a club just around the corner from the Kings Palace called Café Opra. We would meet in the cities most popular meeting place called The Square.  I shopped myself to a standstill at places like H&M, Jake Jones , Zara, to name a few. Places to eat- Oh,  how I love food. Most of the pubs serve fine dishes just as good as the next."

Lance shopping in Gothenburg.
Lance at the IFK Football Stadium in Gothenburg.
The Zara store in Stockholm, Sweden.
Lance at a pub in Gothenburg

Any interesting fact(s) that you learned about the place while you were there?
"Interesting facts.... hmmmmm, let’s see. If my memory is as good as my age, well there are about 600 000 people living in Gothenburg and 300 churches and only 2% attend a service on a Sunday. Next fact Volvo cars are produced in Sweden, so basically it’s a Swedish brand , the same goes for the cell phone brand Sony Ericsson. Something on the light side- witches and Vikings originate from Sweden and the children’s book Pipi Long Stalking is based on a Swedish underprivileged girl . About 40% of Sweden is occupied by foreigners like Turkish, Iranians, Somalians, Congolese, Nigerian and  Morrocans.
There is a church which they have turned into a fish restaurant locals told me just call it The Fish Church. "               

The Fish Church

A church in Gothenburg.

Any recommendations that you would give to others when visiting the place?
"I don’t really want to repeat the places of interest that I have mentioned, but  I have forgotten to recommend the Ice Hotel which is in Stockholm. It's very pricey. When booking for accommodation, backpackers are just as good as B&B's. They are comfy and spacious. I have discovered that it’s important to have accommodation near to the city centre and airport as it’s a distance apart. No need for a map. Just a pocket dictionary and you will be fine as most Swedes speak fluent English. Festivals to attend are the midsummers, which basically kicks off the summer season in Sweden and the Crayfish festival which happens in August. The biggest party in summer happens in Stromstad, which is on the border of Sweden and Norway. I am very happy to be a part of it this summer as I will be doing a DJ  tour for 2month, but that’s as far as I will go regarding places of interests and recommendations. It's always better to be there an experience it first hand."

The crayfish in Sweden.

How did visiting the place allow you to change in any aspect of your life, whether personally or professionally?

"All I can say is this: Once you get the travel bug, its game on! My feet has been itching since I left Sweden in April 2012. When landing in Sweden, it was a culture shock of note and this is housing, transport as I have mentioned, the fast life, the success of all these people, no matter your skin colour or ethnic group, you are accepted and looked after by the government. There is not a poor person on the street. You don’t hear of any violent activity on the news and they are very opened minded. With saying all of this, this trip has made me more focused to better myself in all aspects work, home and private life. I have taken all I have learnt in Sweden and brought it home with me for example as an Event Planner or DJ you need to be ahead of the competition, whether it be décor or music. I have taken these concepts along with the old and have combined it into a fusion that only myself and the people involved would grasp, which is perfect because other venues and dj's have not done research to see what works. That is why I chose Sweden as the place to visit they are trend setters in fashion , music and events. I have become more goal driven and I am hungry for that success. You can’t wait on success. It will never come, but going out and finding it- now that’s a concept that speaks volumes to me. Being in Sweden has changed me for the best! "

What would you do from a Media/ PR perspective to let the place receive more exposure on what it has to offer?

" I have this concept where I would like to take a few working South Africans and swap them with some Swedish and let them live their jobs for 3weeks. This is not just a free trip, but a culture awakening for both parties involved. This will get them to respect and better themselves as a person . I would like to see more South African artists going over and showcasing our talents. So far we have seen Avicci- a Swedish DJ who is only 23 years old and he has performed in South African as well as Swedish House Mafia. Not many people know that Sebastian Ingrosso is South African born from Grahamstown. I’m doing an event in Sweden for 2 weeks in June called the Swedish South African experience. Basically I’m taking the Mzolis type theme and introducing it in Sweden as I have taken many Swedes to Mzolis. The biggest form of PR is letting one see, touch and taste the different lifestyle. If we don’t do it,  who will. "

Tuesday 9 April 2013

My visit to the Expresso Show studios in Sea Point, Cape Town

I am a Capetonian born and bred like I have mentioned before. I love the Atlantic Seaboard, especially Sea Point. The amazing fresh air near the ocean. The fantastic mountain views and where better to have a studio, than in Sea Point with those views. Locals and foreigners, usually use the Sea Point Promenade as their point of retracting from the world and going for an early morning run or walk before or after work.

Myself and Graeme with the mountain in the background from the Sea Point studios.

So on the 7th floor of a very stylish and modern office building in Sea Point, SABC 3's morning breakfast show,  "The Expresso Show" is recorded. I visited the studios one early morning, where there was a buzz of activity in the studio as live recording was taking place. Such energy radiated through the different areas of the studio.

Me on the set of the Expresso

Well, I would be surprised if that energy was not there. With the views of the mountain and ocean on either side of the studio, how can anyone who is part of  The Expresso Show not be energised to work there. The employees day starts early, so the smell of  fresh coffee through the back area of the studios is dominant.

Check out my blog soon for my face to face interviews with presenters of the show: Graeme Richards, Ewan Strydom, Leigh-Anne Williams, Danine Naidoo and Photographer for the show, Gunther Schubert.
Danine Naidoo and I

Leigh-Anne Williams and I
Ewan Strydom and I
Graeme Richards and I

Friday 5 April 2013

My interview with singer, actor and the multi talented, Keeno Lee

And now for my interview with the multi talented actor,singer and voice artist, Keeno Lee.

Who is Keeno Lee?

Keeno Lee is no stranger to the stage or the lime light. Having honed his talent as an actor and musical theatre performer,this amazing vocal talent continues to thrill audiences with his charismatic stage presence.

A songwriter, jingle composer,voice over artist and event compere,Keeno seamlessly blends comedy with vocal skill for an unforgettable performance every time,wowing audiences from Spain to Thailand. After garnering a Naledi award nomination(Best Actor in a musical,'03) and his album being nominated for a Metro FM award in '11(Best R 'n B album),and now playing the role of "Farouk" in BBC3's hit comedy series "Bluestone 42", he is firmly entrenchedon the South African and global entertainment scene. 

Vitals about Keeno Lee:
*9 songs reached #1 on local radio SA top 10's
*Written material for Lloyd Jansen's album (winner of Best R 'n B album,Metro FM awards)
*Signed to StereoType Records*
*Member of The Black Ties

What was your one favourite place either locally (in South Africa) or abroad to visit?
 "I had a beautiful,almost surreal experience in Taipei,Taiwan"

What about the place did you enjoy?
"I stayed in Taipei,the capital city of the island country,Taiwan. A friend was able to take me to a beach about an hour away .We walked down to the beach at night and it just happened to be full moon.The beach was bathed in moonlight. There wasn't a breeze,the sand on the beach was so fine. It was like talcum powder. We sat there,mostly quiet,enjoying the waves till dawn.The closest I've been to magic.


Any interesting fact(s) that you learned about the place while you were there?
"It was once part of mainland China, but since independence has a large expat community. Most Taiwanese learn the English language from English, American or Australian teachers. So depending on the class, even neighbours can develop very differing accents,depending on the teacher's nationality."
How the locals live- very close to each other.

Any recommendations that you would give to others when visiting the place?
"Make certain you visit the local night markets for amazing discounted fashion and street food. But stay away from what they term "stinky tofu". It has a stench that is breathtakingly terrible! "

How did visiting the place allow you to change in any aspect of your life, whether personally or professionally?
"I lived there for 5 months and made lifelong friends.I immersed myself in the day to day bustle of the city dwellers,explored the outlying attractions like the hot springs and wildlife reservation.The trip was an awesome introduction to Southeast Asia,and Eastern culture in general. It really opened my eyes to the wide world,showed me that even though our contexts may be different, I had something in common with people from the other side of the world and that is a pretty cool thing."

Keeno Lee and the friends that he made.

What would you do from a Media/ PR perspective to let the place receive more exposure on what it has to offer?
"They have a thriving tourist trade,but I would show the quality of life and the innate warmth of the people. The richness of culture paired with vistas of the beautiful countryside. It would speak for itself. "
The locals.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

My visit to Munich, Germany

In Munich, Germany.

An overnight at the Holiday Inn in Munich was much needed. Within walking distance from the hotel was access to the underground train system.

But before the night activity of Munich could be experienced, a humbling and sombre site was first visited- The Auschwitz Concentration Camp. It was the largest of the concentration camps. A guided tour through the concentration camp brought tears to my eyes. To be in the cells and see the pictures of torture the Jewish people experienced there was heart wrenching and made it feel so "real".  I could not bring myself to take photographs of the camp, out of respect for the people who suffered there. 

And on that note, we got back onto our coach, travelled to our hotel, freshened up and took the train to the city of Munich. The popular, Hofbrauhaus- their local pub is a must to experience.

The Hofbrauhaus

The Hofbrauhaus has a festive vibe present. Jugs of beer are ordered in their dozens. The common bands provided the entertainment as people sat on the bunks in their groups eating, but mostly guzzling down what Germany is known for its beer.

The bands entertaining us.

After getting a feel of the vibe in the Hofbrauhaus, a stroll through the bustling city took place. 
Munich at night.

Strolling through Munich at night.